A C-Corporation is one of the most chosen categories by entrepreneurs who register their companies in the United States. Although some people may associate it with LLCs, in practice it offers other advantages such as the opportunity to enter the stock market. Its shareholders may be Citizens, residents of the US or of foreign countries, any other type of business entity, including LLCs, S corporations, partnerships, and other C corporations. Another advantage that C corporations have is that the additional benefits granted to employees are tax deductible.
In the United States, all corporations are created as C Corporations since S Corporations are elective and only for those that meet all the established requirements.
A C- Corporation is a more traditional business model than an LLC, since it must be constituted by a more hierarchical structure which includes Shareholders, Directors, and Counselors. It also adopts statutes to stipulate the obligations and rights of shareholders and even stipulates the entry into force of the Articles of Incorporation, a document that serves as a certificate of existence of the company before the state, before being able to legally start operating.